Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No one is Watching

Okay believers, I don't mean to rub your nose in it, but I gotta say that it is rather nice to not worry about the shame and embarrassment of a God watching me masturbate.
Maybe if I was an exhibitionist I'd feel otherwise.
In fact, there are a lot of things I don't have to concern myself with. I don't have to worry about offending God if I happen to find Brad Pitt sexy. I don't swing that way myself, but I have to admit I might give it a go if he batted his eyelashes at me. Of course my wife might be a bit upset, not because I fooled around with the Pitt, just that she didn't get to first. She is a jealous wife and I shall have no Brad before her. I'm a lot more frightened of her than of any God you wish to name.
But, what if I did swing that way? Or, more to the point, what of my friends that do? It causes me no small amount of anxiety to know that so many people think my friends, my loving, caring, morally upstanding friends, are dirty and sinful. I can not think of a single non-religious reason to think homosexuality is anything other than a natural occurrence that should be accepted in all its sparkly glory.
Imagine how things would stand in the LGBT community if no one was brought up in a particular religion, not necessarily atheism, just if parents would tell their children “I believe there is a God, but hell if I know what He/She/They want. Just be the best person you can be.” It would be GREAT.
Without the stigma of some archaic notion of 'sin' weighing down the hearts and minds of otherwise good people, the world would be a much better place. Instead of having to pick and choose which passages of their holy book of choice to adhere to (no one believes the shit in Leviticus anymore, I hope), they could simply look at the world around them, the way it is now. Take is as is. They would not have to shut out part of their belief system to see the real and beautiful love between two (or more) people no matter what naughty bits they have in their pants.
That is why I feel it is far more ethical to be atheist, or at least non-religious. I build my morals from the ground up. I start with 'Do no harm, but when harm must be done, do the least possible.' I add the least possible part because, well, sometimes it hurts like hell to pull a splinter. Then, I look at something and ask myself who does it hurt if that lady is hitting that guy with that cat-o-nine tails? Well, other than him, obviously. I mean, he hasn't said the safe word yet has he? Well then, keep at it and have fun you two.
But I digress. Constantly.
I can't get it out of my head to think that if no one was brought up feeling judged by God, they wound not in turn judge others. Be thou not Judged, lest thee judge in turn? "I have to condemn them. God is watching."
So, what if you can't, just CAN'T, get past a few lines in an ancient book? Just remember this, if God hates gays He wont be watching them, He'll be watching, and judging you. Every time you masturbate. And He'll laugh.
As for me, I'm going to live it up. All that talk about Brad Pitt earlier got me all worked up. And no one is watching.

1 comment:

  1. If it weren't for that exact thought from time to time when I'm masturbating I'd probably never have cum...
